
Table Operations

Angara.Data.Table exposes a set of functions that should simplify a code operating with tables, though payoff is that the type checking is performed in runtime.

Duplicate Names Disambiguation

All functions described below identify a column by its name. Thus duplicate names cause ambiguity which is implicitly resolved by choosing the first column having the given name. Still you can explicitly resolve the ambiguity using one of the following approaches:

  1. If only one of the columns is needed, then you can build a new table that has all columns excluding unnecessary.
  2. If multiple columns with same name are necessary, build a new table that has same columns but with unique names.

None of the approaches causes column data evaluation or copying.

For example, if table has several columns named "x" and you need only one with index 0, build a table that contains the only needed column "x":

let table2 =
    |> Seq.mapi (fun i c -> i, c)
    |> Seq.choose (fun (i, c) -> 
        match c.Name with
        | "x" when i <> 0 -> None
        | _ -> Some c)
    |> Table.OfColumns

Next example renames columns named "x" by appending the column index to the name:

let table3 =
    |> Seq.mapi (fun i c -> 
        match c.Name with
        | "x" -> Column.Create (sprintf "x (%d)" i, c.Rows, c.Height)
        | _ -> c)
    |> Table.OfColumns

Mapping Rows

Table.Map, Table.Mapi

The function Table.Map builds a sequence whose elements are the results of applying the given function to each of the rows of certain table columns. Table.Mapi also provides an integer index passed to the function which indicates the index of row being transformed.

The signature is: Map<'a,'b,'c> : columnNames:seq<string> -> map:('a->'b) -> table:Table -> 'c seq

The generic function map:'a->'b is only partially defined. If columnNames contains:

  • 0 columns, then map:unit->'c, so 'a = unit, 'b = 'c
  • 1 column, then map:'a->'c, where 'a is the type of the column, the function result type is 'b = 'c
  • 2 columns, then map:'a->'d->'c, where 'a and 'd are the types of the columns, so 'b = 'd->'c
  • 3 columns, then map:'a->'d->'e->'c, where 'a, 'd and 'e are the types of the columns, so 'b = 'd->'e->'c
  • n...

The following example produces a sequence of multiplied values of columns "x" and "sin(x)" for each of the table rows:

let xsinx : float seq = 
    |> Table.Map ["x"; "sin(x)"] (fun (x:float) (sinx:float) -> x*sinx)    
seq [0.0; 0.009983341665; 0.03973386616; 0.088656062; ...]

Table.MapToColumn, Table.MapiToColumn

The function Table.MapToColumn builds a new table that contains all columns of the given table and a new column or a replacement of an original table column (if there is an existing column with same name as the target name); elements of the column are the results of applying the given function to each of the rows of the given table columns. Table.MapiToColumn also provides an integer index passed to the function which indicates the index of row being transformed.

The signature is: MapToColumn : newColumnName:string -> columnNames:seq<string> -> map:('a->'b) -> table:Table -> Table

The generic function map:'a->'b is only partially defined. If columnNames contains:

  • 0 columns, then map:unit->'b, so 'a = unit and the new column type is 'b
  • 1 column, then map:'a->'b, where 'a is the type of the source column, and 'b is the new column type
  • 2 columns, then map:'a->'d->'c, where 'a and 'd are the types of the source columns, so 'b = 'd->'c, and 'c is the new column type
  • 3 columns, then map:'a->'d->'e->'c, where 'a, 'd and 'e are the types of the source columns, so 'b = 'd->'e->'c, and 'c is the new column type
  • n...

Ultimate result type of the map function must be valid column type: either int, float, string, bool or DateTime.

The following examples adds new table column named "log(x)" which contains logarithm of the column "x" value for each of the table rows:

let tableLog = table |> Table.MapToColumn "log(x)" ["x"] log
  [x[100]: float seq [0.0; 0.1; 0.2; 0.3; ...];
   sin(x)[100]: float seq [0.0; 0.09983341665; 0.1986693308; 0.2955202067; ...];
   log(x)[100]: Array is not evaluated yet]

Filtering Rows

The function Table.Filter returns a new table containing only the rows of the table for which the given predicate returns true. The predicate gets values of the given columns only. Table.Filteri also provides an integer index passed to the predicate which indicates the index of row being filtered.

The signature is: Filter : columnNames:seq<string> -> predicate:('a->'b) -> table:Table -> Table

The generic function predicate:'a->'b is only partially defined. If columnNames contains:

  • 1 column, then predicate:'a->bool, where 'a is the type of the column, and 'b = bool
  • 2 columns, then predicate:'a->'d->bool, where 'a and 'd are the types of the columns, and 'b = 'd->bool
  • 3 columns, then predicate:'a->'d->'e->bool, where 'a, 'd and 'e are the types of the columns, and 'b = 'd->'e->bool
  • n...

The following example creates a table that contains only the rows of the table where value of the column "x" is between 0 and 1:

let table_filter_x = table |> Table.Filter ["x"] (fun x -> x >= 0.0 && x <= 1.0) 
seq [x[11]: Array is not evaluated yet; sin(x)[11]: Array is not evaluated yet]

To get a subset of table rows by row index, use the function Table.Filteri. The following example builds a table that contains only first 10 rows of the original table:

let table_10rows = table |> Table.Filteri [] (fun i -> i < 10)

Concatenating Tables

The function Table.Append returns a new table that contains the columns of both given tables in order. Duplicate column names are allowed. Heights of the tables must be equal.

The signature is: Table.Append : table1:Table -> table2:Table -> Table

Transforming Tables

The function Table.Transform applies the given function to the values of the given table columns and returns the function result. Each column is represented as an immutable array.

The signature is: Transform<'a,'b,'c> : columnNames:seq<string> -> transform:(ImmutableArray<'a>->'b) -> table:Table -> 'c

The generic function transform:ImmutableArray<'a>->'b is only partially defined. If columnNames contains:

  • 1 column, then transform:ImmutableArray<'a>->'c, where 'a is the type of the column, so 'b = 'c.
  • 2 columns, then transform:ImmutableArray<'a>->ImmutableArray<'d>->'c, where 'a and 'd are the types of the columns, so 'b = ImmutableArray<'d>->'c
  • n...

The following example computes the midpoint approximation to the integral of sin(x) using the table containing columns "x" and "sin(x)":

open System.Collections.Immutable

let approxIntegr (x:ImmutableArray<float>) (y:ImmutableArray<float>) =
    let mutable sum = 0.0
    for i in 0..x.Length-2 do sum <- sum + y.[i] * (x.[i+1] - x.[i])

let integr : float = table |> Table.Transform ["x";"sin(x)"] approxIntegr

The next example builds a new table which contains a single column with running maximum of the column "sin(x)" of the existing table:

let getRunningMax(values: ImmutableArray<float>) = 
    |> Seq.skip 1
    |> Seq.scan(fun max sin -> if sin > max then sin else max) values.[0]

let tableMax : Table =
    |> Table.Transform ["sin(x)"] (fun (sinx:ImmutableArray<float>) ->
        Table.OfColumns [ Column.Create("running max of sin(x)", getRunningMax sinx) ])
seq [running max of sin(x)[100]: Array is not evaluated yet]

There are cases when the table produced by Transform should be appended to the original table. The function Table.AppendTransform transforms the original table and then concatenates the original and transformed tables:

let tableWithMax : Table =
    |> Table.AppendTransform ["sin(x)"] (fun (sinx:ImmutableArray<float>) ->
        Table.OfColumns [ Column.Create("running max of sin(x)", getRunningMax sinx) ])
  [x[100]: float seq [0.0; 0.1; 0.2; 0.3; ...];
   sin(x)[100]: float seq [0.0; 0.09983341665; 0.1986693308; 0.2955202067; ...];
   running max of sin(x)[100]: Array is not evaluated yet]

The signature is: AppendTransform : columnNames:seq<string> -> transform:(ImmutableArray<'a>->'b) -> table:Table -> Table

It is similar to the Transform function but here the ultimate result type of the partially defined function transform must be Table.

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