

Namespace: Angara.Data

Nested types and modules


Simple statistics for columns containing boolean values.


Holds statistics for each column type


Simple statistics for columns containing non-numeric data


Basic statistics for columns containing numeric data

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
Correlation table
Signature: table:Table -> string [] * float [] []

If at least two of the table columns are real or int then returns (Column Names) * (Correlations) else throws an exception.

Pdf pointCount column
Signature: pointCount:int -> column:Column -> float [] * float []

Returns a probability density function of the column if the column is numeric.

Summary column
Signature: column:Column -> ColumnSummary

Returns some simple statistical properties of a column.

TryCorrelation table
Signature: table:Table -> (string [] * float [] []) option

If at least two of the columns are real or int then Some(Column Names * Correlations) else None

TryPdf pointCount column
Signature: pointCount:int -> column:Column -> (float [] * float []) option

Tries to compute a probability density function of the column if the column is numeric.

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