
Table as Matrix

The special case is the table having all columns of same type; we call it a matrix table and there is a specific type MatrixTable<'v> which inherits from the Table and allows efficiently get values both by rows and columns, and extend the table in both directions.

To create a matrix table, use Table.OfMatrix and provide the matrix as a sequence of rows:

let tableMatrix = Table.OfMatrix [| [|11;12;13|]; [|21;22;23|] |]
seq [A[2]: int seq [11; 21]; B[2]: int seq [12; 22]; C[2]: int seq [13; 23]]

Additionally, you can provide optional names for columns; if not, the columns get default names "A", "B", ..., "Z", "AA", "AB", .... To get a default column name from a column index, use the function Table.DefaultColumnName.

The properties Rows and Columns return two-dimensional immutable arrays containing table values by rows and by columns respectively:

let matrixRows = tableMatrix.Rows
seq [seq [11; 12; 13]; seq [21; 22; 23]]
let matrixCols = tableMatrix.Columns
seq [seq [11; 21]; seq [12; 22]; seq [13; 23]]

To get a value from row and column indices, use the indexed property Item:

let value = tableMatrix.[0, 0]

Matrix table allows adding rows using AddRows and AddRow functions:

let tableMatrix' = tableMatrix.AddRow [|31;32;33|]
  [A[3]: Array is not evaluated yet; B[3]: Array is not evaluated yet;
   C[3]: Array is not evaluated yet]

To add columns, concatenate two matrix tables having same element type and height using function Table.AppendMatrix:

let tableMatrix'' = 
    Table.OfMatrix ([| [|14|]; [|24|] |], [Table.DefaultColumnName 3])
    |> Table.AppendMatrix tableMatrix 
  [A[2]: int seq [11; 21]; B[2]: int seq [12; 22]; C[2]: int seq [13; 23];
   D[2]: int seq [14; 24]]
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