Make path
Signature: path:string -> unit
Generates an HTML page that displays a value previously stored using
Angara.ReinstateServices.Reinstate method.
Parameter path is a path to a folder that was provided to the Reinstate method call.
The Angara.Html.Serializers must contain a serializer for the given object.
MakeEmbeddable height artefact
Signature: height:string -> artefact:obj -> string
Generates an HTML string which contains an element having given height (e.g. "1oo%", "200px"),
which displays the given object.
All the referenced resources are located at CRNs.
The Angara.Html.Serializers must contain a serializer for the given object.
Save fileName artefact
Signature: fileName:string -> artefact:obj -> unit
Generates an HTML page that displays the given object.
The Angara.Html.Serializers must contain a serializer for the given object.
Signature: ISerializerLibrary
The library to be filled dynamically with type serializers for which there are viewers (e.g. Table, Chart).